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Our pages offer useful information to help visitors find their way around Hamburg and appreciate its charms. Choose your own must-sees from our selection of the main sights in the city of Hamburg. Moreover, we introduce you to the whole region, offering details on various subjects, and give you an overview of the city’s history.

A brief overview of our website’s contents:

Sights and monuments of Hamburg

For example: Hamburg Town Hall

After the Town Hall of Hamburg had burnt down completely in 1842. The new Town Hall was inaugurated in 1897 and was erected on more than 4000 oak poles. The Jungfernstieg on the Alster is Hamburg's shopping and promenade street. A lot of exquisite shops, restaurants and hotels.

Click here to find all the sights at a glance


History of Hamburg

(Already now this site exist in French) "Ville libre et hanséatique de Hambourg / Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg" tel est le nom complet de la deuxième plus importante ville d’Allemagne en habitants. Un nom qui lui va à merveille et qui résume avec excellence les particularités de son histoire. En l’an 810, Charlemagne fit construire une église baptismale entre la rivière Bille et Alster.

Click here to find the History of Hamburg

Look out: Our page offers useful information and details of the best hotels and restaurants in the city of Hamburg.


Whether you stop by for a short visit or stay at Hamburg for a longer time, we hope it will be a pleasant experience. By providing information about all the cultural offerings in town and around the region the portal LatLon-Hamburg wants to help make your visit memorable. Most of LatLon’s pages of are printable in PDF-format.

A brief overview of our website’s contents:

Museums in Hamburg

For example: International Maritime Museum of Hamburg

The exhibition in the International Maritime Museum Hamburg (IMMH) wants to lead you to new horizons. The nine exhibition decks in Kaispeicher B tell the story of discovery and conquest, of captains ans seamen - an expedition through 3,000 years of human history.

Click here to see all the museums at a glance


Culture and leisure offerings

To assist you in preparing your travel to Hamburg, this page lists the most popular cultural and leisure venues.

A brief overview of our website’s contents:

  Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries
  Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation
  Potsdam Highlights


2022 Calendar of events at Hamburg

Visit the new version of the LatLon website which replaces these pages (All events 2024) 😃 :


The best way to understand and appreciate a place is by hiring the services of a passionate tour guide. Our local partner will discover the highlights of Hamburg to you.
Individual programs available on request.

Your expert local guide in Hamburg - Denise FAESSEL

Private tours and guided tours in Hamburg & Lübeck

           Denise FAESSEL
           Uhlenhorster Weg 44
           D- 22085 Hamburg
           e-mail : denise.faessel@freenet.de
           mobile: +49/ (0)176. 522 173 54


Europe is a beautiful continent and many of its cities are worth visiting. LatLon-Europe was created to present some of its most interesting and attractive cities, providing all useful information you need to plan a holiday: Sights & monuments, the history of the city; moreover, a choice of the best hotels & restaurants, and cultural offerings and events in the region – all of this in several languages.

LatLon-Europe is a web portal for tourist information managed by Pascal Jeanrenaud from Berlin. Various local partners support the small business. LatLon-Europe introduces a new travel destination that deserves your attention, from well-known cities like Berlin, Dresden, Geneva, Munich, Cologne and Hamburg to smaller towns like Neuchâtel, Lausanne or Potsdam.

If you are interested in collaborating in the presentation of one of our next destinations, find additional information under the headings “About this website” and “Your business in this space” or simply send us an E-mail.

We hope that our presentations make you want to discover these places on one your next travels. We invite you visit our website regularly and get to know more charming cities in Europe.

Please note: As LatLon-Europe exclusively provides information, we invite you to contact the tourist service providers, such as hotels or tour guides, yourself. We also have a list of specialized travel agencies available.

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Your city tour with Denise Faessel  Guide






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© LatLon-Europe - Hamburg - January 4, 2025      Who we are | Your business in this space | Contact | Impressum