LatLon-Cologne Köln
Specialized Agencies in Europe

The travel agencies below are specialized in European destinations and will be happy to design a tailor-made travel package for you. Be sure to use their services to plan your next holiday. Send an e-mail to suggest an agency in your town to add to this list.

Incoming Agencies: In France In Germany* In Switzerland
chool trips and European study tours: In France In Germany In Switzerland
Other specialized Agencies in Europe: In France In Germany In Switzerland

*Partner from LatLon-Europe

Incoming Agencies in France

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Incoming Agencies in Germany

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Incoming Agencies in Switzerland

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chool trips and European study tours in France

Cahier de voyages - Euro Moselle Loisirs
rue Pilâtre de Rozier - 57192 Florange
+33/ 3 82 59 31 15


Le Trifide, 18, rue Claude Bloch - 14050 CAEN
+33/ 02 31 43 82 83

Ligue de l'enseignement

Par exemple: Fédération du Bas-Rhin
15 rue de l'industrie - 67412 Illkirch
+33/ 03 90 40 63 60

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chool trips and European study tours in Germany

Do you know a good travel agency in your town?
Please send us details to include it in this space. Thank you.
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chool trips and European study tours in Switzerland

Do you know a good travel agency in your town?
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Other specialized Agencies in Europe in France

Do you know a good travel agency in your town?
Please send us details to include it in this space. Thank you.
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Other specialized Agencies in Europe in Germany

Do you know a good travel agency in your town?
Please send us details to include it in this space. Thank you.
Click here to send an e-mail.

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Other specialized Agencies in Europe in Switzerland

fondation serei
Votre agence de voyages spécialiste de l'évasion accessible
rue de la ronde 30 - 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
+41/ 032. 886 81 20

Do you know a good travel agency in your town?
Please send us details to include it in this space. Thank you.
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