Please get in contact with Pascal Jeanrenaud and his local partners for any queries concerning a cooperation or partnership. You are also welcome to send us your suggestions for completing our website's offer of information. Send an E-mail or use the online form below.
Our aim is to continuously broaden our offer by introducing a new city each month. At the same time, we will update and improve the existing web pages. As LatLon-Europe is a small enterprise, we need your support to achieve these objectives. You can help us by contributing recommendations of hotels and restaurants or pointing out inaccuracies. If you liked our website, please recommend it to friends or create a link to your own website, e.g. with this banner (click here to download). Thanks, we really appreciate your support!
Please take note that our website is neither a reservation portal, nor do we attend individual requests for tourist information. What we do through our tourist information portal is present a city as travel destination and provide comprehensive details. If you require additional tourist services, please contact one of the travel agencies recommended on the “travel agencies” list or get in touch with the tour guide or agency for the city you have chosen. You also find the tourist office of each city under the respective “Useful links” rubric.
Some more information about us:
LatLon-Europe, Who we are? - How we are funded - How we are structured