Museums of the City of Hamburg |
The Art Hall Museum - Kunsthalle Hamburg |
Gallery of the Old Masters
Within the Old Masters Collection four areas in particular have been a focus
since the founding of the Hamburger Kunsthalle. North German Art around 1400 is
one of them. 17 th Century Dutch painting has become a focus thanks to a
donation in 1879, to which important works could be added at a later stage. The
collection of Italian paintings dating from 1350 until 1800 largely stems from
the Collection Wedells. Some works of French painting of the 16 th to 18 th
Centuries have been acquired in the second half of the 20 th Century, but they
form inhomogeneous smaller complexes. Lucas Cranach d.Ä - Hans Holbein - Rembrandt ...
Gallery of the 19th Century
The Hamburger Kunsthalle holds one of the most important collections of 19 th
Century paintings. The Galleries of the 19 th Century open with works by artists of Romanticism and close with German Impressionism. The years 1800 and 1914, thresholds of epochs, determine beginning and end of this department. The beginning is marked by the radical renewal of art through Romanticism, while the end coincides with World War I – despite an incision in the development of art being apparent some time earlier through the avant-garde of Expressionism and Abstraction.
Caspar David Friedrich - Otto Philip Runge - Menzel - Leibl ...
+ Gallery of Modern Art - Contemporary Art - New Media
Open: Monday - Sunday. 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 8 € (adult) - 4 € (reduced)
Address: Glockengießerwall 1, 20095 Hamburg
+49 (0)40. 428 131 200
© Fotos: (1-) Romanus Fuhrmann-Rickert
(2-) Hamburger Kunsthalle |
International Maritime Museum of Hamburg |
In the beginning was the sea, stretching out the horizon. What could be found on the other shore? How could you reach it? In order to discover far off lands people set out in boats and ships.
The exhibition in the International Maritime Museum Hamburg (IMMH) wants to lead you to new horizons. The nine exhibition decks in Kaispeicher B tell the story of discovery and conquest, of captains ans seamen - an expedition through 3,000 years of human history.
Open: Monday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 12,50 € (adult) - 9 € (reduced)
Address: Kaiserspeicher B, Koreastr. 1, 20457 Hamburg
+49 (0)40. 300 92 300
© Fotos: Michael Zapf (IMMH)
Museum for Applied Arts Hamburg |
The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg is a leading centre for art, applied art and design. Its collections of work from Europe, the Middle and the Far East are of the finest-quality and span all epochs from the Ancient World to the present day.
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m /
Wednesday bis 9 p.m
Admission: 12 € (adult) / 8 € (reduced) /
Thursday from 5 p.m: 8 € (adult)
Address: Steintorplatz, 20099 Hamburg
+49 (0)40. 428 134 27 32
© Foto: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Das Altonaer Museum befasst sich als eines der größten deutschen Regionalmuseen mit der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte des norddeutschen Raumes und präsentiert die kulturhistorische Entwicklung der Elbregion um Altona, von Schleswig Holstein und der Küstengebiete von Nord- und Ost.
Die ständige Schausammlung zeigt die wichtigsten regionalen Ausstellungsstücke aus den Bereichen Malerei und Graphik, Kunsthandwerk, Kulturgeschichte, Fischerei und Schifffahrt. Mit einem vielseitigen Programm von Sonderausstellungen und Film- und Vortragsveranstaltungen zu Themenbereichen aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert verfolgt das Museum das Ziel, die Sammlungsbereiche des Hauses nicht nur aus kunst- und kulturgeschichtlicher, sondern auch aus medienhistorischer Sicht zu präsentieren. Mit der Eröffnung einer interaktiven Kinderabteilung im Jahr 2006 ist das Altonaer Museum zu einem beliebten Ausflugsort für Familyn geworden.
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 7,50 € (adult) / 4,50 € (reduced)
Address: Museumstraße 23, 22765 Hamburg
+49 (0)40. 428 135 3582
The Art Hall Museum - Kunsthalle Hamburg
Open: Thursday 10 a.m - 9 p.m / Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission:8 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address: Glockengießerwall, 20095 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 428 131 200
Web: www.hamburger-kunsthalle.de - E-mail: info@hamburger-kunsthalle.de
International Maritime Museum
Open: Monday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 12,50 € (adult) / 9 € (reduced)
Address: Kaiserspeicher B, Koreastr. 1, 20457 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 300 92 300
Web: www.internationales-maritimes-museum.de - E-mail: info@peter-tamm-sen.de
Altonaer Museum
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 7,50 € (adult) / 4,50 € (reduced)
Address:Museumstraße 23, 22765 Hamburg - +49 (0)40. 428 135 3582
Web:www.altonaermuseum.de - E-mail: info@altonaermuseum.de
Museum for Applied Arts Hamburg (MKG)
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m / Thursday to 9 p.m
Admission: 12 € (adult) / 8 € (reduced) / Thursday from 5 p.m: 8 € (adult)
Address: Steintorplatz, 20099 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 428 134 27 32
Web: www.mkg-hamburg.de - E-mail: service@mkg-hamburg.de
Dialogue in the dark
Open: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m / Saturday 10 a.m - 7 p.m / Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 21 € (adult) / 15,50 € (reduced)
Address: Alter Wandrahm 4, 20457 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 309 6340
Web: www.dialog-im-dunkeln.de - E-mail: info@dialog-im-dunkeln.de
KL!ck Child -Museum
Open: Monday - Friday 9 a.m - 6 p.m / Sunday 11 a.m - 6 p.m
Saturday open for birthday
Admission: 4,50 € (Child-adult) / 3,50 € (Child to 3)
Address: Achtern Born 127, 22549 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 410 99 777
Web: www.kindermuseum-hamburg.de
Museum der Arbeit
Open: Monday 1 p.m - 9 p.m / Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m - 5 p.m / Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 7,50 € (adult) / 4,50 € (reduced) / Free to 18th birthday
Address: Wiesendamm 3, 22305 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 428 1330
Web: www.museum-der-arbeit.de - E-mail: info@museum-der-arbeit.de
Ernst-Barlach-Haus - Stiftung Hermann F. Reemtsma
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 11 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 6 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced) / Family 7 €
Address: Baron-Voght-Straße 50a, 22609 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 826 085
Web: www.barlach-haus.de - E-mail: info@barlach-haus.de
Övelgönne / Museumshafen
Open: every day
Admission: Free
Address: Anleger Neumühlen, 22763 Hamburg-Övelgönne | +49 (0)40. 419 127 61
Web: www.museumshafen-oevelgoenne.de - E-mail
KZ- Concentration Camp Memorial Neuengamme
Open: Tuesday - Friday 9,30 a.m - 4 p.m
Saturday, Sunday 12 - 5 p.m (Oct-March) / 12 - 7 p.m (Abril-Sept.)
Admission: Free
Address: Jean-Dolidier-Weg 75, 21039 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 428 13 1500
Web: www.kz-gedenkstaette-neuengamme.de - E-mail
Puppenmuseum Falkenstein
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 11 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 4 €
Address: Grotiusweg 79, 22587 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 810 582
Web: www.elke-droescher.de - E-mail
Spicy's Gewürzmuseum
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m / Summer: Open Monday
Admission: 5 € / 2 €
Address: Am Sandtorkai 32/II, 20457 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 367 989
Web: www.spicys.de - E-mail: mail@spicys.de
Open: 01. Abril - 31. Oct.: Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m - 5 p.m / Sam.-Son. 11 a.m - 6 p.m
01. November - 31. March: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 4 € (adult) / 2,50 € (reduced)
Address: St. Annenufer 2, 20457 Hamburg | +49 (0)40. 321 191
Web: www.speicherstadtmuseum.de - E-mail: info@speicherstadtmuseum.de
Folowing: Culture and leisure in the City of Hamburg |