To really get to know and appreciate Cologne, we recommend hiring the service of our local partner: a professional and passionate tour guide to show you around the town, entertain you and share his knowledge. All partners in the cities presented by LatLon-Europe are expert tour guides and passionate about their job. Tour-Agentur is in charge of the guided tours at Cologne, so please, contact him directly to book your personal guided tour.
Visit the new version of the LatLon website which replaces these pages 😃 : www.latlon-guide.com
Welcome to Tour-Agentur - Guided Tours in Cologne and Surroundings |
City tour 1: Cologne Highlights in Short |
You have very little time, but you want to see the Cologne highlights? This walking tour takes you back to the origins of the city and shows you a bit of Roman feeling for luxury. Of course you will find out why the people of Cologne wanted to build the world’s highest church in the Middle Ages, but then stopped the construction process after 300 years. Furthermore, we will tell you how the Cathedral nevertheless was completed centuries later. Then you will get an impression of the bustling life in the narrow streets and passages of the old town.
Visit the new version of the LatLon website which replaces these pages 😃 : www.latlon-guide.com
To book your guided tour
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63) by e-mail service@tour-agentur.de
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN.
City tour 2: Cologne from A to Z |
This walking tour gives you a feeling for Roman, medieval and contemporary Cologne. Discover the brilliant urban infrastructure of the Roman “Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium” with its network of streets, its fresh water provision and its waste water disposal systems. In the Middle Ages, the people of Cologne claimed to have as many churches as days in the year. Many of them were demolished in the phase of secularisation in the early 19 th century, but twelve unique churches in the Romanesque style remain, and furthermore several Gothic churches, above all the Cathedral. Of course you will find out why the people of Cologne wanted to build the world’s highest church in the Middle Age, but stopped the construction process after 300 years. Furthermore, we will tell you how the Cathedral was nevertheless completed centuries later. Fortunately, the Cathedral survived the bombing of Cologne during World War II fairly well. After the war, the centre of Cologne was reconstructed rather hurriedly, but the narrow streets and passages of the old town still give you an impression of life as it was centuries ago.
Visit the new version of the LatLon website which replaces these pages 😃 : www.latlon-guide.com
To book your guided tour
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63) by e-mail service@tour-agentur.de
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN. |
City tour 3: Cologne from A to Z with In-Door Visit |
Additionally to the walking tour Cologne from A to Z, visits to the interior of Cologne sights can be arranged: the Cathedral, to the Praetorium (palace of the governors of the Roman emperors) with a part of the Roman sewer system, to the Roman-Germanic Museum or the Cologne Municipal Museum.
“Cologne from A to Z” + Cologne Cathedral
A neverending story: the gothic Cathedral: A visit to the Cathedral gives an impression of what the people of Cologne tried to shoulder with such a gigantic project, why they after all overreached themselves and why the construction wore on for more than six centuries. But why did one want to build the world’s largest church in the first place? Who paid for this project and how was it realized? What happened to the Cathedral under the French occupation? Why was it eventually completed in the 19 th century? All these questions will be answered in a guided visit of the Cathedral.
“Cologne from A to Z” + The Roman - Germanic Museum
- Pure Luxury!
A glance at the Dionysos mosaic in the Roman – Germanic Museum gives an impression of Roman luxury with underfloor heating and marble or mosaic floors, on which magnificent feasts were celebrated. The glass collection of the museum is unsurpassed, with unique objects such as the “Glass Shoes” and the colourful “Diatret Glass”. Another highlight is the extensive collection of Roman and Germanic jewellery.
“Cologne from A to Z” + Praetorium and Roman Sewer Channel
Since Cologne became capital of the Roman province of Lower Germania in the 1 st century, governors of the Roman empires were residing here. Their residence was the governors’ palace, the Praetorium. During four centuries, four palaces followed one another, the foundation walls of which still can be seen. From this spot, governors represented the power of the Roman Emperors – and enjoyed Roman luxury.
Afterwards, it is quite an experience to descend to a preserved piece of Roman sewer system and find out that the construction technique still is astonishingly up to date.
“Cologne from A to Z” + Cologne Municipal Museum
Cologne Mentality and History Concisely!
Cologne Mentality and History are represented concisely in this museum. An impressive large model shows you exactly how Cologne looked like in the Middle Age. Additionally, there are detailed models of City Hall, Cathedral and some of the Romanesque Churches. The city’s expansion during the 19 th century is shown, and insights into the living conditions of the wealthy bourgeouisie as well as into the world of the working class in the time of industrialisation are given.
You will also come across some Cologne characteristics: the Cologne beer, served by a “Köbes” in a slim, cylindrical glass, accompanied by the Cologne “Fooderkaat” (menu). Finally you will meet the characters of the most popular Cologne puppet theatre “Hänneschen”, and the nosey tailor’s wife, who drove the friendly and hard-working “Heinzelmännchen” (house-elves) out of Cologne .
To book your guided tour
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63) by e-mail
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN. |
City tour 4: Underworld Walking Tour |
Under today’s Cologne street level, the debris of 2000 years of urban culture is hidden. After World War II, before the reconstruction process set in, archaeologists revealed the remains of many impressive features. Some of them we will present to you during a walking tour in the Cologne underworld.
The centre of the Cologne underworld is the Praetorium, the palace of the Governors of the Roman emperors. During four centuries, four palaces followed one another, the foundation walls of which still can be seen. From this spot, governors represented the power of the Roman Emperors – and enjoyed Roman luxury.
It is quite an experience to descend to a preserved piece of Roman sewer system and find out that the construction technique still is astonishingly up to date.
Furthermore, the excavations under the Romanesque church of St.Martin-the-Great are worth visiting, and so are the finds in the underground car park next to the Cathedral: is this the place where in 1074 Archbishop Anno escaped from the city from his rebellious subjects? A mystery up to this day is the Ubian Monument, Germany’s second-oldest stone monument: what was it actually used for? Just as interesting is a visit to the Mikvah, one of the oldest Jewish ritual baths in Germany. Hidden in the shadows of the Cathedral you can discover a small gem: an early Christian Baptistry, one of the oldest in Germany. How were people baptised 1500 years ago, and why was the baptismal font outside the church? All these questions will be answered in a truly exciting excursion.
Visit the new version of the LatLon website which replaces these pages 😃 : www.latlon-guide.com
To book your guided tour
Please make your reservation by telephone (+49 (0)221. 9 3 272 63) by e-mail service@tour-agentur.de
You are accompanied by a guide who was trained according to the directives of the German Association of Tourist Guides (BVGD). Many of our guides meet the European training standards for guides (DIN EN 15565) and have a BVGD certificate DIN EN. |