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Culture and leisure in the City of Cologne

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To assist you in preparing your travel to Cologne, this page lists the most popular cultural and leisure venues. Send us an E-mail if you would like us to add a venue
to this list or include another event in the cultural calendar.

Calendar of Cultural Events 2022 for the City of Cologne
Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries - Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Calendar of Cultural Events 2022 for the City of Cologne

DON’T MISS IT:  Carnival of Cologne - From 11 november 11 p.m 11!

The Cologne carnival is a carnival that takes place every year in Cologne, Germany. Traditionally, the "fifth season" (carnival season) is declared open at 11 minutes past 11 on the 11th of November. The Carnival spirit is then temporarily suspended during the Advent and Christmas period, and picks up again in earnest in the New Year. The time of merrymaking in the streets is officially declared open at downtown square Alter Markt on the Thursday before the beginning of Lent. Street carnival, a week-long street festival, also called "the crazy days", takes place between the Thursday (Women’s Carnival Day) before Rose Monday and ends on Ash Wednesday. All through these days, "kölsch" folks go out masqueraded. The highlight of the carnival is Rosenmontag (12.02.2018), which takes place on the Monday. The typical greeting during the festival is "Kölle Alaaf!", a Kölsch phrase which can be translated as "Cologne alive!"
Every year there are 3 people (the Dreigestirn) who are granted the titles of Jungfrau, Prinz, and Bauer (virgin, prince and farmer), who pay a large sum of money for their privileges. The carnival prince is deemed to be the highest representative of the festivities, leading the main parades throughout the week. Traditionally, the Jungfrau "Virgin" is always portrayed by a man dressed as a Female.
The official carnival with its parades and stage shows (Sitzungen) is run by the Festkomitee Kölner Karneval (Cologne Carnival Celebration Committee), which was founded in 1823. Alongside there are many autonomous carnival events throughout the city's bars, clubs and local communities, including "Stunksitzung", a leftist comedy show caricaturing official carnival Sitzungen in style and poking fun at both traditional, conservative carnival as well as politics.

Carnival Wikipédia: FR - DE - EN - ES
Website Carnival: www.karneval.com - koelnerkarneval.de
Museum of Carnival: www.kk-museum.de

© Foto Festkomitee

  Art Cologne
/// From 11 to 14 april 2019

  Köln Wein
/// 13-14 april 2019

  Kölner Weinwoche
/// 22 May - 02 June 2019

  Come-Together-Cup 2019
/// 30 Mai 2019

  Nacht der Technik
  /// 28 june 2019

  Festival Summerjam
(Pop, Reggae & Hip-Hop) /// From 5 to 7 July 2019

  Christopher Street Day
(Parade gay) /// 22 June 2019

  Sommerfestival der Philharmonie
/// 17 uly to 19 august 2018

  Kölner Lichter
/// 13 july 2019

  Kölner Triathlon
/// From 31 august to 1 september 2019

  Kölner Marathon
/// 31 octobre 2019

  Christmas market of Cologne
/// From 26 november to 23 december 2018

Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries

 Photo: © Schauspiel Köln

Theaters / Cultural Center

Schauspiel Köln (Theatre) Im Opernhaus - Foto
Offenbachplatz, 50677 Köln +49/ (0)221. 221 284 00

Theater im Bauturm (free Theatre) - Freies Schauspiel KÖLN
Aachener Str. 24-26, 50674 Köln +49/ (0)221. 52 42 42


Musical Dome (Theatre-musical)
Goldgasse 1, 50668 Köln +49/ (0)221. 577 90

Hänneschen-Theater (puppet show since 1802)
Eisenmarkt 2-4, 50667 Köln +49/ (0)221. 258 12 01

Music & Concerts

Köln Oper (Oper)
Offenbachplatz, 50667 Köln +49/ (0)221. 221 282 56

Die Kölner Philharmonie
Bischofsgartenstr. 1, 50667 Köln +49/ (0)221. 204 080

Art Galleries

Melchiorstraße 14, 50670 Köln

Galerie Daniel Buchholz
Neven-DuMont-Str. 17, 50667 Köln

Antiquitäten Marie-Luise Romeleit (Antiques)
Trankgasse 1-5, 50667 Köln

Art Cologne from 19 to 22 april 2018:   www.artcologne.de

More here: www.koeln.de


Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Amazing Places

Zoo of Cologne - Foto: Hans Feller
Riehler Straße 173, 50735 Köln
+49/ (0)221. 77 85-0 Winter 9 a.m - 5 p.m - Summer 9 am - 6 pm

Corintostr. 1, 51103 Köln Kalk +49 (0)331. 550 74 - 0

shopping & Tourism

Boat Rides with Köln Tourist
www.koelntourist.net - Foto: Köln Tourist


Claudius Therme
Sachsenbergstrasse 1, 50679 Köln
+49/ (0)221. 981 44 - 0 www.claudius-therme.de

Agripa Bad - Foto: Agripa Bad/ KölnBäder
Kämmergasse 1, 50676 Köln
+49/ (0)221. 178 - 24 62 www.koelnbaeder.de

Folowing: History of the City of Cologne

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