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Museums of the City of Dresden

LatLon-Europe presents a choice of the most remarkable museums for every city,
be it a metropolis or a small town. Allow yourself to be surprised by the quality
of diversely themed and inspirational museums.

Dresden State Art Collections :
Old Masters Picture Gallery Alte Meister - Historic Green Vault & New Green Vault
Städtische Galerie Dresden: The Art Gallery of the city Dresden Museum
More museums in Dresden - Culture & Leisure in Dresden

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Dresden State Art Collections

The Electors and Kings of Saxony were enthusiastic collectors of art and acquired art treasures of immeasurable value over the course of the centuries. The Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) are among the most important museums presently in existence. With our altogether eleven museum institutions, we offer a thematic diversity that is unparalleled anywhere in the world. More...

All Museums: Green Vault - Old Masters Picture Gallery -
Drawings-Cabinet - Coin Cabinet - Armoury Cabinet -
Porcelain Collection - Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon -
New Masters Gallery - Sculpture Collection -
Museum of Decorative Arts - Saxon Folk Art Museum

Telephone:       +49 (0)351 - 49 14 2000 (For all Museums)
Address:           Residenzschloss, Taschenberg 2, 01067 Dresden

www.skd.museum - Besucherservice@skd.museum

Dresden State Art Collections: Old Masters Picture Gallery - Alte Meister

The world renown of the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Picture Gallery) in Dresden is founded in its outstanding collection of high-ranking masterpieces. Among the primary focuses of its holdings are Italian painting of the Renaissance - as exemplified by major works of Raphael, Giorgione and Titian - as well as works in the Mannerist and Baroque styles. Of equal significance is the inventory of Dutch and Flemish paintings of the seventeenth century. Not only are Rembrandt and his followers represented with a large number of works of superb quality, but the collection also comprises paintings by Vermeer and Ruysdael and the great Flemish artists Rubens, Jordaens and Van Dyck. More...

Open:                 Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission:         10 € (adult) - 7,50 € (reduced)
Address:             Zwinger, Semperbau

Dresden State Art Collections: Historisches und New Green Vault

The Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault) enjoys world renown as one of Europe’s most sumptuous treasure chambers. The famous collection of the Wettin electors is returned to its historic home in the Dresden Royal Palace. In two exhibition areas "Neues Grünes Gewölbe" (New Green Vault) and "Historisches Grünes Gewölbe" (Historic Green Vault) of very different character, visitors will experience these magnificent artworks of gold, silver, precious gems, enamel, ivory, bronze and amber in an intensity unparalleled to date. More...

New Green Vault - Neues Grünes Gewölbe
Open:                  Wednesday - Monday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission:          12 € (adult) - 9 € (reduced)
Address:              Residenzschloss Dresden (more access)

Historic Green Vault & Historisches Grünes Gewölbe
Open:                  Wednesday - Monday
                            10 a.m - 7 p.m, last admission 6 p.m
                            + Special-Opening
Admission:          12 € + plus 2 € advance sales fee 

Advance Sale Procedures
Only holders of time tickets will be admitted to the Historic Green Vault Treasure Chamber. Time tickets can be purchased in advance by the following means:
- Telephone: +49/ (03)51/ 49 14 2000,
- e-mail: besucherservice@skd.museum
- online auf skd-dresden.de
- Visitor Centre: „Art & Info“, Residenzschloss, Schlossstraße/
  Corner Taschenberg

Sixty percent of the tickets are available through advance sales (see Advance Sale Procedures above). The remaining forty percent are available at the cashier’s desk of the Royal Palace - five tickets per person - on the day of visiting.

Address:              Residenzschloss Dresden (Royal Palace)

Städtische Galerie Dresden: The Art Gallery of the City Dresden Museum

Mit unserer ständigen Ausstellung „Dresdner Meisterwerke“ präsentieren wir Ihnen einen Streifzug durch die hiesige Kunst des letzten Jahrhunderts... Weiter lesen

Open:                  Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m - 6 p.m
                            Friday to 7 p.m
Admission:          5 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address:             Wilsdruffer Straße 2 | +49 (0)351. 488 7370

More museums in Dresden

Dresden State Art Collections: Albertinum
Galerie "Neue Meister"and Skulpturensammlung
: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission: 10 € (adult) - 7,50 € (reduced)
Address: Brühlsche Terrasse und Georg-Treu-Platz | +49 (0)351 - 49 14 97 41
Web: www.skd.museum - E-mail: sks@skd.museum

Dresden State Art Collections: Old Masters Picture Gallery - Alte Meister
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 10 € (adult) - 7,50 € (reduced)
Address: Zwinger, Semperbau | +49 (0)351 - 49 14 2000
Web: www.skd.museum - E-mail: Besucherservice@skd.museum

Dresden State Art Collections: Historic Green Vault & New Green Vault
Open: see above
Admission: see above
Address: Residenzschloss Dresden | +49 (0)351 - 49 14 2000
Web: www.skd.museum - E-mail: Besucherservice@skd.museum

German Hygiene-Museum
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 7 € (adult) / 3 € (reduced)
Address: Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 4846-400
Web: www.dhmd.de  - E-mail: service@dhmd.de

Städtische Galerie Dresden: The Art Gallery of the Dresden City Museum
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m - 6 p.m / Friday to 7 p.m
Admission: 5 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address: Wilsdruffer Straße 2, 01067 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 488 7361
Der Eingang für die Besucher befindet sich in der Landhausstraße
Web: www.galerie-dresden.de  - E-mail: office@galerie-dresden.de

Städtische Galerie Dresden: Stadtmuseum-Landhaus
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 a.m - 6 p.m / Friday to 7 p.m
Admission: 5 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address: Wilsdruffer Straße 2, 01067 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 488 7370
Web: www.stmd.de  - E-mail: sekretariat@museen-dresden.de

Quod vide: Kügelgenhaus - Kraszewski-Museum - Weber-Museum - Schillerhäuschen 
Web: www.stmd.de

Technical Collections of Dresden
Open: Tuesday - Friday: 9 a.m - 5 p.m / Week-end: 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 5 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address: Junghansstraße 1-3, 01277 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 488 7201
Web: www.tsd.de  - E-mail: service@tsd.de

Verkehrsmuseum Dresden im JOHANNEUM
Open: Thursday-Tuesday , 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 9 € (adult) / 4 € (reduced)
Address: Am Neumarkt, Augustusstraße 1, 01067 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 8644-0
Web: www.verkehrsmuseum-dresden.de E-mail: info@verkehrsmuseum-dresden.de

Military Museum
Open: Thursday-Tuesday, 10 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission: 5 € (adult) / 3 € (reduced)
Address: Olbrichtplatz 2, 01099 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 823 28 03
Web: www.militaerhistorisches-museum.bundeswehr.de

Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden
Open: Closed
Admission: Closed
Address: Japanisches Palais, Palaisplatz 11, 01097 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 8144-860
Web: www.voelkerkunde-dresden.de  - E-mail

Folowing: Culture and leisure in the City of Dresden

To assist you in preparing your travel to Dresden, this page lists the most popular cultural and leisure venues.

For example:
Calendar of Cultural Events 2016
Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries
Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Click here to go to the page "Culture and leisure"  –  Next page >>>


Unser Angebot für Werbepartner

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