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Culture and leisure in the City of Dresden

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To assist you in preparing your travel to Dresden, this page lists the most popular cultural and leisure venues. Send us an E-mail if you would like us to add a venue
to this list or include another event in the cultural calendar.

Calendar of Cultural Events 2022 for the City of Dresden
Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries - Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Calendar of Cultural Events 2022 for the City of Dresden

DON’T MISS IT:  Moritzburg Festival - From 11 to 26 august 2019

We have been performing in the baroque Moritzburg Castle for 17 years and up to now we have presented little of the gorgeous music from the reign of King August the Strong until the end of the 18th century. One of the reasons is that until the end of the 20th century, compositions from this period were mostly performed by ensembles specializing in playing on period instruments. In recent years, a new generation of artists has been developing, who are as well acquainted with the performance practice of ancient music as they are with that of romantic, world and contemporary music.

More detailed information: www.moritzburgfestival.de
Foto: Moritzburg Festival

  31. Filmfest Dresden - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival
/// 9 to 14 april 2019

  27. Tanzwoche Dresden
/// 19 to 29 april 2018

  49. Internationales Dixielandfestival Dresden
/// 19 to 26 may 2019

  42. Dresdner Musikfestspiele
/// 16 mai to 10 june 2018

  29. Elbhangfest
/// 28 to 30 june 2019

  Filmnächte am Elbufer
/// From 27 june 25 august 2019

  Dresdner Stadtfest
/// 16 to 18 August 2019

  Kammermusik Festival Schloss Moritzburg
/// 11 to 26 august 2018

  29. Herbst- und Weinfest mit Internationalem Wandertheaterfestival

    27 to 29 september 2019

  22. Jiddische Musik- und Theaterwoche
///  25 october to 4 november 2018

  584. Dresdner Striezelmarkt
/// 26 november to 24 december 2018

Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries

Theaters / Cultural Center

Kulturpalast Dresden - Foto
Schlossstraße 2 Altmarkt, 01067 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 4866 666

+ TICKET ONLINE for Dresden:

Staatsschauspiel Dresden (Theater)
Theaterstraße 2, 01067 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 49 13 555

KOMÖDIE Dresden (Theater)
Freiberger Straße 39, 01067 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 866 410

Theaterkahn - Dresdner Brettl (Theater)
Terrassenufer an der Augustusbrücke, 01067 Dresden +49 (0)351. 496 94 50

Theater Junge Generation Nr. 2 (Theater)
Im Rundkino auf der Prager Straße, 01069 Dresden +49 (0)351. 496 53 70

Dresdens Kabarett-Theater Die Herkuleskeule (Theater)
Sternplatz 1, 01067 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 492 55 55

Music & Concerts

Sächsische Staatsoper und Staatskapelle Dresden (Oper/ Concerts)
Semperoper, Theaterplatz 2, 01067 Dresden
+49/ (0)351. 4911 705 www.semperoper.de

Dresdner Philharmonie (Concerts)
Kulturpalast am Altmarkt, 01067 Dresden
+49/ (0)351. 4866 866 www.dresdnerphilharmonie.de

Dresdner Kreuzchor (Concerts)
+49/ (0)351. 3153 560 www.kreuzchor.de

Frauenkirche Dresden (Concerts)
+49/ (0)351. 4964 339 www.frauenkirche-dresden.de

Neue Tonne e. V. (Jazz)
Königstraße 15, 01097 Dresden
+49/ (0)351. 8026 017 www.jazzclubtonne.de

Alter Schlachthof
Gothaer Strasse 11, 01097 Dresden
+49/ (0)351. 43131-0 www.alter-schlachthof.de

Art Galleries

Städtische Galerie Dresden: Kunstsammlung
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm / Friday to 7 pm
Admission: 5 € (Adult) / 4 € (other)
Address: Wilsdruffer Straße 2, 01067 Dresden | +49 (0)351. 488 7361
Web: www.galerie-dresden.de  -  Email: office@galerie-dresden.de

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Open: Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm
Admission: 7 € (adult) - 4,50 € (other)
Address: Zwinger, Semperbau | +49 (0)351 - 49 14 2000
Web: www.skd.museum  -  Email: Besucherservice@skd.museum

Görlitzer Str 16 01099 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 801 1783 www.galerie-gebr-lehmann.de

Kunstquartier im Barockviertel

Galerie Sybille Nütt
Obergraben 10, 01097 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 25 29 593 www.galerie-sybille-nuett.de

More here : www.potsdam.de

Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Amazing Places

Sächsische Dampfschiffahrts (Foto)
Anlegestelle am Terrassenufer. Kassehäuschen an der Elbe
+49/ (0)351. 86609-0 www.saechsische-dampfschiffahrt.de

Großer Garten
Haltestellen: Straßburger Platz, Comeniusplatz Großer
Garten (Hygienemuseum) Lennéplatz, Querallee, Tiergartenstraße

Jardin zoologique de Dresde (Foto)
Tiergartenstr. 1, 01219 Dresde +49/ (0)351. 478 060
Tram 13 (Zoo), 9 (Zoo), 11 (Lennéplatz), 75 (Zoo)
Open from 8h30 a.m to 6h30 p.m / to 4h30 p.m in winter
admission: 8 € (adult), 4 € (Child> 16), 20 € (family)

shopping & Tourism

Pfunds Molkerei - Die schönste Milchladen der Welt
Bautzner Str. 79, 01099 Dresden +49/ (0)351. 80 80 80
Foto: Pfunds.de


Das Nordbad in Neustadt (since 1894)
Louisenstr. 48, 01099 Dresden
Straba (tramway) 13 to Rothenburger Straße
+49/ (0)351. 803 23 60 www.nordbad-dresden.de

Geibeltbad Pirna - Pirna, Sächsischen Schweiz
Rottwerndorfer Str. 56, 01796 Pirna
+49/ (0)3501. 710 900 www.geibeltbad-pirna.de

Folowing: History of the City of Dresden

Click here to go to the page "History"  –  Next page >>>

Unser Angebot für Werbepartner

Guided tours in Dresden with Heidi Paizs





Latlon-Rothenburg ob der Tauber




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