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I Musei, cultura e eventi culturali di Ginevra

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L’immagine di una città austera e calvinista o semplicemente di una grigia città d’affari sarà presto sostituita da quella di una città conviviale, cosmopolita e ricca di avvenimenti culturali in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno : concerti, esposizioni e spettacoli di ogni genere.

Il Museo internazionale della Croce Rossa
I musei di Ginevra

I grandi avvenimenti dell'anno 2022 a Ginevra
Teatri, concerti, gallerie d'arte
scoprire i luoghi sorprendenti a Ginevra

I musei di Ginevra

Ecco alcuni dei 45 musei della città :

Il MAH, museo d’arte e di storia
La Maison Tavel
Il Museo della Riforma (privato)
Il Museo Ariana della ceramica e del vetro
Il Museo internazionale della Croce Rossa (privato)
Il MAMCO, museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea (privato)
Il Museo Patek Philippe (privato)
Il Museo di scienze naturali
La Fondazione Martin Bodmer, una sorprendente raccolta di manoscritti antichi (privato)

NB : La maggior parte dei musei ha l’ingresso gratuito.
Musei privati : ingresso fra i 10 e i 12 franchi svizzeri.

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Il Museo internazionale della Croce Rossa - Ginevra


Photos, films, objects and documents are presented through audio-visual displays and computer terminals.
The unique setting of the Today area plunges you into the thick of current actions and gives you access to the latest news from the field. The Café Dunant is a multimedia area which provides information on the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in an interactive and entertaining way.

Open:                     From Wednesday to Monday 10 a.m to 5 p.m
Admission:             10 CHF (adult) - 5 CHF (other)
Address:                 Avenue de la Paix 17, 1202 Genève
                               +41/ (0)22. 748 95 25

Foto: © V.Otth

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I musei di Ginevra

Il MAH, museo d’arte e di storia
Museo Rath, Maison Travel & Museo Ariana
: Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 5 CHF (adult) / 3 CHF (reduced) / > 18 years: Free
Address (MAH) : Rue Charles-Galland 2, 1206 Genève | +41/ (0)22. 418 26 00
Web: www.ville-ge.ch/mah  -  E-mail: mah@ville-ge.ch

Mamco - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Open: Tuesday-Friday 12 a.m - 6 p.m / Saturday, Sunday 11 a.m - 6 p.m
Admission (Rath) : 10 CHF (adult) / 5 CHF (reduced) / > 18 years: Free
!! Entry to permanent collections in all of the municipal museums (14 in total) is free of charge !!!
Address: Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers, 1205 Genève | +41/ (0)22. 320 61 22
www.mamco.ch  -  E-mail

Espace Rousseau
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m - 5,30 p.m
Admission: 5 CHF (adult) / 3 CHF (reduced/ Children)
Address:Grand'Rue 40, 1211 Genève  - +41/ (0)22. 310 10 28
www.espace-rousseau.ch  -  E-mail: info@espace-rousseau.ch

International Museum of the Reformation
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m - 5 p.m
Admission: 10 CHF (adult) / 7 CHF (reduced) / 5 CHF (7-16 years) / Audio-guide 3 CHF
Address: Rue du Cloître 4, Cour Saint-Pierre, 1204 Genève | +41/ (0)22. 310 24 31
Web: www.musee-reforme.ch  -  E-mail: info@musee-reforme.ch

Martin Bodmer Foundation – Unique museum showing antique manuscripts from all over the world
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 2 - 6 p.m
Admission: 15 CHF (adult) / 10 CHF (reduced)
Address: Route de Guignard 19-21, 1223 Cologny-Genève | +41/ (0)22. 707 44 36
Web: www.fondationbodmer.org  -  E-mail: info@fondationbodmer.ch

More museums here:    www.geneve.com

I grandi avvenimenti dell'anno 2022 a Ginevra

 TOP 3: 

  The Geneva Lake festival (Les Fêtes de Genève)

   The lake festival of Geneva is a huge gathering and, on the last Saturday, offers the    biggest musical firework of Europe
    July- August 2019

  The International motor show (Salon International de l'Auto)

    The world most famous car exhibition - since 1930
    From 7 to 17 March 2019 - Geneva Palexpo

  Escalade festival (Fête de l'Escalade
   Celebration of the victory over the Duke of Savoy, with an amazing historical parade
   - on Sunday afternoon 16h00
    From 7 to 9 December 2018 - Course de l'Escalade 30 November 2018
    www.1602.ch - www.escalade.ch

  Salon International des Inventions de Genève

    From 10 to 14 April 2019 - Geneva Palexpo

  Salon International de livre et de la presse

    From 1 to 5 May 2019 - Geneva Palexpo

  La Bâtie - Festival de Genève

    From 30 August to 15 September 2019 - Alhambra & Salle des Eaux-Vives

  Cirque Knie - Genève

    xx August to xx September 2018 - Place Caserne des Vernets

  Festival "Tous Ecrans"

    From 2 to 10 November 2018 - Maison des Arts du Grütli

  International Christmas Market - Geneva

    December 2018 - Place de la Fusterie

    Other renowned international festivals:

  !!! La Fête des Vignerons !!!

    Du 17 juillet au 11 aôut 2019 - Vevey

  53. Montreux Jazz Festival

    From 29 june to 15 July 2019 - Montreux

  44. PALEO Festival

    From 23 to 28 July 2019 - Nyon

Mappa de la Città                   Inizio pagina       
Theaters, Concerts, Art Galleries

Theaters / Cultural Center

Grand Theater - Geneva
Boulevard du Théâtre 11, 1211 Genève
+41/ (0)22. 418 31 30 - www.geneveopera.ch

L'Orangerie - Summer Theater
Quai Gustave Ador 66c, 1207 Genève
+41/ (0)22. 735 37 37 - www.lorangerie.biz

Theater of Carouge
Rue Ancienne 57, 1227 Carouge - +41/ (0)22. 343 43 43

L'Usine (Centre culturel autogéré - Geneva)
Place des Volontaires 4, 1204 Genève - +41/ (0)22. 781 34 90

Music & Concerts

Victoria Hall     (Foto top: © Frédéric Monnerat)
Rue du Général-Dufour 14, 1204 Genève - +41/ (0)22. 418 35 00

Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
Place des Volontaires 2, 1204 Genève - +41/ (0)22. 322 12 20

Art Galleries

Centre d'Art contemporain / Center for Contemporary Art - Geneva
Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 10, 1205 Genève - +41/ (0)22. 329 18 42

Art en Île - Halle Nord
Place de l'Île 1, 1211 Genève - www.act-art.ch


Cave 12
Depending on the program (see website) - Geneva

JavaClub DanceFloor
Grand Hôtel Kempinski, Quai du Mont-Blanc 19, 1201 Genève - +41/ (0)22. 908 90 88

More here:    www.geneve.com

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Amazing Places to Discover & Relaxation

Amazing Places

YatouLand - "Y'a tout pour les enfants"
Chemin des Batailles 22, 1214 Vernier
+41/ (0)22. 341 40 00 - ww.yatouland.ch

Mini tourist train (Foto: © Stephan Engler)
March-October - From Rotonde du Mont-Blanc - 10 a.m - 11 p.m

shopping & Tourism

Boat cruises on Lake Geneva (Léman) with CGN
Departure from Mont-Blanc & Jardin Anglais  / Foto: © CGN

Excursion on Mount Salève (1380 meters - France)
www.geneve.com - www.telepheriquedusaleve.com
www.saleveautrement.ch - www.rando-saleve.net


Les Bains des Pâquis (swimming pool)
Quai du Mont-Blanc 30, 1201 Genève / Foto: © Ricardo de la Riva
+41/ (0)22. 738 16 16 - www.bains-des-paquis.ch

Les Bains de Cressy (swimming pool)
Cressy Santé, Route de Loëx 99, 1232 Confignon
+41/ (0)22. 727 15 15 - www.bainsdecressy.hug-ge.ch

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Folowing: Informazioni su Ginevra

This page offers tourist information about Geneva, telling you all you need to know for a stay in this city and in Switzerland.

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